Green Pass sign
Green Pass signYonatan Sindel/Flash90

At midnight on Wednesday morning, Israel's new coronavirus restrictions went into force.

The new rules limit the number of people allowed to enter many public venues, including many culture and sports events and facilities, which will be open only to those who have a Green Pass proving that they are vaccinated, recovered, or who present a recent negative coronavirus test.

In addition, children ages 3-12 will be required to present a negative coronavirus test before entering enclosed spaces with large numbers of people such as hotels, event halls, restaurants, and other events.

The new rules will apply to all businesses, other than malls and commercial locations.

Acceptable coronavirus tests include rapid tests and traditional PCR tests. Payment is as follows:

Children ages 0-3 are exempt from testing regularly.

Children ages 3-12 are required to test for coronavirus before entering public spaces, and their tests are free, paid for by the government.

Those ages 12 and above who chose not to vaccinate and who are not recovered, must pay privately for the coronavirus tests they take in order to enter public spaces.

Israel's "Purple Pass" rules are also being reinstated, and apply to malls and other places of commerce. Under these rules, entry is limited to one person for every seven meters of space the business has. Stores with up to 100 meters of space are exempt, and not required to adhere to the Purple Pass rules.

The Purple Pass will also apply to workplaces which have public reception.

Social events without assigned seating will be limited to up to 1,000 people in an enclosed space, and up to 5,000 people in an open area.

Social events which do have assigned seating will not have a maximum attendee number, but attendees will be required to present a Green Pass.

Events in private homes and other such locations, where the Green Pass rules do not apply, will be limited to 50 people in an enclosed space and 100 people in an open area.