The brit milah (circumcision) ceremony for the baby born to Shira and Amichai Ish-Ran, about three years after the shooting attack near Ofra in which both were wounded, took place Monday morning at 10:15 a.m.
In the 2018 attack, Shira was shot by the terrorist and had to undergo a caesarean section, even though she was just seven months pregnant. The baby did not survive and three days later he was pronounced dead. The baby was laid to rest on the Mount of Olives after he was given the name Amiad Yisrael.
After the attack, the entire people of Israel prayed for the recovery of Shira and Amichai and also for the healing of the baby who later died at the hospital. About two weeks after the attack, the couple were released from Shaare Zedek Hospital and said, "It is so much fun to be part of such a people, who send letters, messages, visit all the time until you have to ask them to stop, send flowers, food for Shabbat, sweets, just amazing, it's all about the Jewish nation."
Amichai said that “our baby managed to do in the short three days that he lived more than we all managed ... he just united us ... everyone came and wanted to participate and strengthen, everyone felt connected. I am proud to be a part of such a nation.”
"There can be disagreements, but in the end we are one people," Amichai stressed. "They will not be able to take that from us. We won’t let them."
Shira thanked the staff of Shaare Zedek Hospital and said, "It's not easy to be sick. I have no words to describe how much support they give us mentally and physically. I am grateful to the paramedics, thanks to whom I am alive. Of course, thanks to the Blessed One. I lost a lot of blood in the attack, and I had to get a lot of blood. I feel that the people of Israel support me mentally, strengthen us at every step. The people of Israel strengthen me physically, the blood of the entire people of Israel is flowing in my arteries at the moment, it gives a lot of strength."