MK Mickey Levy (Yesh Atid) on Thursday said that his party can sign coalition deal with the right-wing Yamina party "within 24 hours," if Yamina is willing to join the government.
In an interview with 103 FM Radio, Levy said: "The decision of Yesh Atid, of Yair Lapid, is to turn over every stone and make every effort to form a sane, realistic, government. Whoever does not lend a hand for this process, due to other considerations, is simply dragging us to fifth elections."
"We have not lost any hope, everything is ready. All that's left is Yamina, and in light of what's happened in recent days, I'm very optimistic. [Yamina chair MK] Naftali Bennett knows Yair Lapid's phone number, he's invited to call him. We can finish it all within 24 hours."
When asked why he is so optimistic when Bennett has expressed reluctance to join a coalition, Levy said: "We are not holding any celebrations, we want to come to agreements. We have used the past days to come to agreements with our other potential partners."
Some of the basic principles of the proposed new government include "the economic side - rehabilitating a trillion shekels of debt; the educational side - we've gone backwards 20 years, we need to take care of our children and our grandchildren's future," Levy added. "The health side - the health system needs an immediate injection, both with regards to channeling funds and with regards to thought for the future, two hospitals must be created."
He added that the proposed government also aims to "heal the rifts in Israeli society - we are still separate tribes."