Since the 2005 Disengagement from Gush Katif and the subsequent takeover of the area by the Hamas terror group, over 22,570 rockets and mortars have been fired at Israel, data from Shabak (Israel Security Agency) shows.
The YESHA Council compiled the Shabak data on the rocket attacks. The data shows that the Disengagement led to a significant rise in the number of rocket attacks: In the five years prior to the Disengagement, less than 2,000 rockets were fired at Israel, but in the five years following it, approximately 10,000 rockets were fired.
During the years in which larger numbers of rockets were fired from Gaza, these led Israel to open war, which in turn caused a rise in the number of barrages.
The data also showed that not a single year passed in which Gaza terror groups did not fire rockets at Israeli civilians.
Elnatan Scharia, a spokesman for the YESHA Council, tweeted: "This is the graph we made from Shabak data."
"Even though we warned that the disengagement from Gush Katif and the exit from the Gaza Strip would lead to a rise in rocket terror, all sorts of former defense officials told us that there is no chance that that will happen. We, on the other hand, warned that 'the Disengagement will blow up in our faces.' Unfortunately, we were right."