The government is expected to convene Tuesday evening to deliberate on whether to adopt a plan drafted by the Health Ministry to impose nightly curfews and a limited lockdown during the Purim holiday.
If backed by the government, the Health Ministry plan would impose nighttime curfews from 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. from Thursday evening to Friday morning, Friday evening to Saturday morning, and Saturday evening to Sunday morning.
The plan would restore the restriction on travel, barring Israelis from going more than 1,000 meters from their homes and would close all businesses during the curfew hours.
The Blue and White party is opposed to the plan, calling for a scaled-back curfew imposed only on towns with high infection rates.
Blue and White lawmakers also set a condition for convening Tuesday’s meeting, demanding that another meeting be scheduled to set a timetable for the further reopening of the educational system, including grades seven through ten, along with the possibility of making up lost school days during the Passover and summer vacations.