Israeli singer and Israel Prize winner Yehoram Gaon slammed anti-vaxxers and begged them to stay home until the coronavirus pandemic is over, so that they will not endanger others.
In his program on Galei Zahal, Gaon said: "I have a request from those who refuse to get vaccinated. With all due respect, let them please mark their foreheads with the words, 'Careful! I'm not vaccinated,' so that we know who they are when they walk in the street, and we can run away from them."
"And this is because I'm afraid of them, and just like they use their legal right over their bodies, I'm asking to use my legal right over my body, so that I can stay away from them. I'm afraid they will infect me by means of the law which says that 'each individual has the right to decide his actions and desires in accordance with his choices, and every person has the freedom not to have interventions on his body without his consent.'
"This law sounds good and worthy and enlightened, but I am convinced that the lawmakers who wrote it did not take into account - when they wrote it - the possibility of a world catastrophe such as an infectious plague in which a person is not alone in the struggle and his rights-bearing body becomes part of the population and their rights to life."
He added: "This is an emergency situation, in which a person's rights may be an obstacle - a classic case in which certain laws must adapt themselves to one-time global situations such as a pandemic and a vaccine. 'You have a right over your body,' the law says, but what can we do about the fact that during this pandemic, your body standing close to my body in the supermarket, cafe, park, school, can infect me and kill me? Where is my right to live?"
"Dear vaccine refuser, please use your right not to get vaccinated and stay at home. Don't leave there until the plague is over. Respect my right, which is to remain healthy. Laws are created as a means to improve life, in order to make things proper and more correct. A law is a means, not an end, and if the law becomes an end it loses its essence and it turns, in the time of a pandemic, from something that helps people live into a random burden that can cause their deaths."