In December Morocco became the fourth Arab state in four months to reach an agreement with Israel (after the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan) under US auspices.

While this is a welcome development, seeing as Israelis can (and do) regularly travel to Morocco, despite the lack of formal diplomatic relations between the states, what change can the new agreement be expected to deliver?

What are the gains and what is the price that the deal combines for stakeholders? How is it being perceived internationally, regionally and locally? And given Morocco’s King Mohamed VI role in establishing and chairing the Al-Quds Committee of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Conference) can we expect to see active Moroccan involvement in future Israeli-Palestinian negotiations on the core issue of Jerusalem?

Find out the answers to these questions and more in the conversation between two INSS Research Fellows, as Dr. Michal Hatuel-Radoshitzky interviews Dr. Sarah Feuer.