"Those who say that we're in a time when there are no heroes, they just don't know where to look."
- U.S. President Ronald Reagan, January 20, 1981
President Donald John Trump will forever be remembered by the people of the State of Israel. The years of plenty have come and gone, and the President who exemplified the Jewish value of unwaveringly standing with the truth in the face of derision, slander, and violence will now stand aside as something else inherits the levers of power in Washington D.C.
President Trump, you became the envy of the people of Israel when you proved yourself to be a national leader who keeps his campaign promises. We now see that if there is a will, it is indeed possible.
For as long as any Jew living today can remember, the possibility of a U.S. leader not only recognizing the truth of Israel's cause, but at times even being a fiercer advocate than Israeli leadership itself and doing the things President Trump has done, would have seemed as impossible as the idea that a Jewish State would arise at all just one century earlier.
President Trump, town squares in Israel have been named after you, communities established in your honor, and coins minted bearing your likeness. But while all these gestures may commemorate your legacy for generations to come, we as the Eternal People know that the true offspring of the righteous are their good deeds, that perpetuate themselves and protect those who performed them unto eternity, in this world and the next.
We salute you, President Donald J. Trump, for a job faithfully accomplished, and for renewing belief throughout the entire world that there are still heroes.