A pregnant woman who was hospitalized at the Laniado Hospital with the coronavirus was transferred to Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva Monday after her condition deteriorated.
Upon her arrival, doctors decided to place her on a ventilator and perform and emergency caesarean section due to the seriousness of her condition. She was in the 31st week of pregnancy.
The baby was delivered in stable condition and transferred to the premature birth ward at Schneider Children's Medical Center. The mother is hospitalized in critical condition at the coronavirus ICU at Beilinson Hospital,
The mother did not suffer from any background illnesses or preexisting conditions.
Prof. Arnon Viznitzer, director of the Women's Hospital at Beilinson, said that "this is a violent and more severe [coronavirus] wave than its predecessors that also affects the pregnant women population."
Dr. Ilya Kagan, Director of the Coronavirus Intensive Care Unit at Beilinson, added: “The condition of the mother is very serious and unstable. Her life is in real danger and we are fighting for her life."