Kuwaiti-born Jordanian academic Dr. Ibrahim Alloush said in a recent interview on Palestine Today TV that the Westerners are fed up of hearing Jewish claims of victimhood.

Alloush openly denied the Holocaust and claimed that Jews hold the whole world responsible for anti-Semitic persecution and massacres, which culminated in the "so-called Holocaust."

He further stated that no Jew or non-Jew died in the gas chambers, because there we no gas chambers.

The remarks, which aired on December 27, 2020, were translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

MEMRI noted that Alloush teaches at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan. He lived and studied in the US for 14 years until he got his PhD from Oklahoma State University.

Alloush has in the past recommended that suicide bombers be equipped with small nuclear bombs.

He has also praised "all the resistance fighters – from Venezuela to Afghanistan, from Iraq to Lebanon and Palestine, [and] especially martyrdom-seeking drivers in Jerusalem."