The teenager who was killed in an accident during a police chase in Samaria Monday has been identified as Ahuvya Sandak, a 16-year-old resident of Bat Ayin.
The incident occurred in the vicinity of Kochav HaShachar in the Binyamin district of Samaria, just west of the Jordan Valley, when police officers attempted to apprehend a group of young Israeli men suspected of throwing stones at Arab vehicles in the area.
When the suspects fled, undercover police officers pursued them in a vehicular chase. During the chase, the driver of the suspects’ car lost control and the vehicle skidded off the road.
Several people were injured in the crash, including one youth who was declared dead at the scene. The injured suspects were evacuated to the hospital while handcuffed.
The Judea and Samaria District Police stated: "following a report received at the police station about the throwing of stones from an Israeli vehicle at a Palestinian vehicle at the Michmash Junction, a team of detectives who was on their way and nearby identified the vehicle that threw stones and ordered it to stop."
''The driver of the vehicle started a wild chase despite the police order to stop, continued on the run with the detectives' vehicle following him. Near the Rimonim junction, the vehicle overturned and as a result of the overturning, four of the vehicle's occupants were lightly injured and evacuated to the hospital, where a passenger was pronounced dead."
Honenu CEO Shmuel Medad responded to the accident, "The blood is on the hands of the commanders of the Judea and Samaria area, who allow the spilling of the blood of our best children. This horror should make the Israel Police and the Ministry of Internal Security tremble. And so too for all the echelons that guide such murderous behavior and allocate huge budgets for it. The land should not cover their blood! "