Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu discussed COVID-19 morbidity at the beginning of today's Likud faction meeting in the Knesset.
"The vaccines are on the way. We work on it day and night. We do it in the best and most professional way for the citizens of Israel. Until the vaccines arrive, we must adhere to the rules and make the right decisions," the prime minister said.
"If we do not act correctly, just as we're seeing the end, people can get sick and die when it can be prevented. The only way to prevent this is to prevent as many gatherings and unnecessary contacts as possible," Netanyahu added.
He said, "Morbidity is on the rise and we do not want to wait for another rise that will be difficult to stop. That is why we want to convene the Coronavirus Cabinet today and make the right, firm, non-populist decisions that limit the scope and time limit. It requires responsibility and we did it in the first wave and in the second wave, when we reduced morbidity and mortality to below European countries. It obliges us even now in the third wave and I hope that our partners will do the same."
Netanyahu later attacked members of the Judiciary Selection Committee, "I cannot help but comment on what happened yesterday. Whenever the political echelon wants to appoint someone, the legal system demands that we hold dozens of hearings, minutes, we seem to have acted judiciously, in endless hearings. 136 candidates were tested in 3.5 hours, an average time of 2 minutes per candidate.
"I'm not talking about this or that appointment, I'm not getting into it at all. There may be many worthy candidates," he noted, "I'm talking about the process, about the method. It joins a long line of flaws exposed in the law enforcement system. Today, serious reforms need to be made in this system, it cannot continue.
"Amir Ohana as Minister of Justice tried to fix it, unlike his predecessors he acted very firmly, but we need a majority. Today we do not have the majority needed for that, but I hope we will soon," he stressed.