Since the dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1993 and the re-establishment of ties with Israel, the Czech Republic has been continually growing in its public support for Jewish State, frequently siding with the Israel in the United Nations and European Union. As a natural outgrowth of this friendship, an Israel Allies Caucus in the Czech Parliament has recently been formed. This is the 46th such caucus to be formed under the network of the Israel Allies Foundation (IAF), which facilitates the communication between legislators pro-Israel legislators from around the world.
The IAF is dedicated to promoting cooperation between parliamentarians and legislators around the world who share the belief that the State of Israel has the right to exist in peace within secure borders.
The inaugural Chair of the Czech Parliamentary Israel Allies Caucus, MP Miloslav Janulik, said, “I am convinced that our relationship towards Israel has deep spiritual roots. I am very glad that we maintain the tradition of excellent mutual relationships and that the Czech Parliament is expressing its long-term support to the State of Israel unequivocally. We believe that this is the right path towards peaceful co-existence in the Middle East”.
The caucus has an external director, Mr. Karel Sedlacek, who plans to arrange a multitude of opportunities for the caucus to participate in, and will serve as translator for the organization's international relations, including close cooperation with the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus (KCAC), established in January of 2004 by the late Dr. Yuri Stern with the aim opening direct lines of communication between Knesset members and Christian leaders, organizations and political representatives from around the world.
“I am very pleased with our entering into the IAF network and I believe that we can fruitfully contribute to the further enhancement in the field of international cooperation. Such cooperation and support can have different forms. For example – Jerusalem Day can be marked through dignified conferences or on the premises of the Parliaments of Europe and beyond.”
IAF European Representative Leo Van Doesburg said, “In recent years we have seen significant pro-Israel activity stemming from the Czech Parliament. It is encouraging to see that not only have they adopted a non-binding resolution that condemns 'all activities and statements by groups calling for a boycott of the State of Israel, its goods, services or citizens', but that they also opened the Czech Honorary Consulate in Jerusalem in 2018. Additionally, this past October they adopted a resolution labeling Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. We are looking forward to working with the Czech Republic Parliamentary Israel Allies Caucus to further develop this fruitful cooperation.”
A video conference in planned for December for members of the Czech Republic Caucus to meet with members of the KCAC including KCAC Chair Deputy Speaker MK Sharren Haskel, to celebrate the formation of the new caucus and brainstorm together how they can be most effective in strengthening the relationship between the Czech Republic and Israel.
IAF President Josh Reinstein said “This brings us one step closer towards our target of having 50 Israel Allies Caucuses in parliaments around the world by the end of the year. Faith-based diplomacy is the secret ingredient to the strong support which Israel now enjoys across the globe. We must continue to expand and develop this network in order to translate the widespread Biblical support of Israel into real political action.”