Gila Sacks, the daughter of former British Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, eulogized her father as he was laid to rest in London Sunday following a battle with cancer.

"Today came too soon and I'm not ready," Sacks said. "I don't know how I can process and sum up what kind of father my dad has been to us or begin to know how to say thank you to him. That will take time."

"He loved us so much," she added, "and never, ever missed an opportunity in recent years to tell us that. To tell us how proud he was of everything each of us did, but mainly, of who we were. How proud he was of each grandchild, and every new bit of joy they brought into his world."

Eulogies were delivered by Rabbi Mordechai Ginsbury of Hendon United Synagogue, Dayan Ivan Binstock, Dayan of the London Beit Din and Senior Rabbi of the St John’s Wood Synagogue, Rabbi Lionel Rosenfeld of the Western Marble Arch Synagogue, and Rabbi Dr Harvey Belovski of the Golders Green Synagogue.