Sarah and Shlomo Kor
Sarah and Shlomo KorFamily

Dr. Avshalom Kor's mother, Sarah, passed away at the age of 92.

Her family members accompanied her on her last journey in a limited funeral in light of coronavirus restrictions, Condolence visits will not take place.

The late Sarah Kor left behind three children, grandchildren, and twenty-eight great-grandchildren.

Shlomo Kor, Sarah's husband, was one of the leaders of Betar and a senior member of the Maariv newspaper. He worked for about 34 years. He served as a member of the Likud Central Committee and represented as a member of the board of directors of the Israel Broadcasting Authority.

Avshalom Kor paid tribute to his mother in a conversation with Arutz Sheva. "We owe everything to our mother. She boarded the Betar ship and merited to be the last generation of slavery and the first generation of redemption."