Mossad chief Yossi Cohen commented in a rare interview on Wednesday on the efforts he invested in mediating the peace agreement with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.
"It's like a dream," Cohen told journalist Dana Weiss in the interview which aired on Channel 12 News. "I sat in the audience and said - this is really happening."
On the possibility of joining political life, he said he has not yet decided. "I have not yet decided - that time will come."
The head of the Mossad commented on the signing of the agreements with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, saying, "There is a certain breaking of the glass ceiling here that is common between us and the Arab countries. We are talking about years of contacts that are managed in a very, very delicate way, weaving relations with a country with which we have formal diplomatic relations or none at all."
"The goal of the organization I currently lead is always to get to a point where we have relationships on different levels," Cohen explained. "They can at first be economic relations, trade relations, reciprocal relations in understanding security events. And ultimately I think the goal of all of us is to reach formal relations with Arab countries."
Cohen explained how Bahrain also joined the peace agreement with Israel. "A system of mutual trust must be built between us and them, with a very, very correct presentation, both on the bilateral side between Israel and these countries, and of course with the very massive and correct embrace and push of the US President."
"I believe that there are more countries in the Persian Gulf that will still come into formal contacts with the State of Israel, and there are also countries outside the Persian Gulf that do not yet have a formal diplomatic relationship with the State of Israel, which can also join," the Mossad chief estimated.