Education Ministry Director General Amit Edri and Health Ministry Deputy Director General Itamar Grotto have agreed on a list of updates regarding school guidelines during the coronavirus outbreak.
Under the new guidelines, during the matriculation exams, students will be obligated to sit at least two meters from each other, but will not be obligated to wear masks.
Schools will also be allowed to take hikes and field trips for every grade level, including sleeping outdoors, in accordance with the relevant guidelines for the grades in question.
Instructors for extracurricular activities and additional curricula classes will be allowed to meet up to six groups per day, instead of six per week as has been allowed until now.
Each workday, separate external equipment will be used for each preschool, so that the equipment will not be used for more than one group on a given day. At the end of each workday, the equipment will be disinfected for use during the next workday. These activities will be held without any physical contact between the children and instructor.
Afternoon programs will be able to have children from up to three grades in a single group. These will operate in accordance with a government decision.