After 20 years of activity, the Arrow 2, the oldest "workhorse" in Israel, was successfully tested, according to Defense Ministry Homa System Director Moshe Fattal.

Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) Vice President Boaz Levy says the test was perfect: "All the Herev Magen systems, the Arrow's operating system, worked as planned when the experiment itself was launched at sea towards Israeli territory."

The firing itself emanated from a great distance from Israeli territory, to represent the area of ​​threat to the State of Israel.

"The target," says Moshe Fattal, "was just like the target tested on Arrow 3 a year ago in Alaska, when we examined the entire gamut of threats to Israel, from the high stratum outside the atmosphere to the lower stratum."

Throughout the test, the Arrow 2 system successfully engaged a Sparrow target missile, to simulate a long-range surface-to-surface missile. The campaign was conducted in accordance to the defense establishment’s plans.

The test was perfectly successful, they say in the defense system, and this is of great importance as the level of threats increases and becomes even more accurate, explaining why perfect success is as important as it was last night.