Last week, Channel 13’s commentator on Arab affairs, Tzvi Yehezkeli, published a series of articles based on interviews with a random selection of the “Arab man on the street.” Yehezkeli traveled to various areas under Palestinian Authority control and stopped passers-by to ask them what they thought of the Israeli government’s plan to apply sovereignty to parts of Judea and Samaria.
Some of those interviewed related that they much preferred the idea of being under Israeli authority to remaining under PA rule.
Earlier today, Yehezkeli spoke with Aral Segal and Avi Yisacheroff of 103FM, and related some of the unintended consequences of his expose. Some of the people he interviewed have since been arrested by PA police, even though the faces of those he filmed were blurred before publication.
According to him, those who were arrested were those who agreed to be photographed for the article with their faces on display. “Everyone who was interviewed for my article – including one person who didn’t say a single word against the Palestinian Authority – they took them all,” he related. “I’m talking about five or six people. All they said was that they would prefer to have an Israeli ID card, and that the Palestinian Authority crushes them and steals their money. Right now, they are in PA torture facilities – it’s horrific.”