After the initial fear of the Coronavirus in Israel has somewhat subsided, we are faced with another type of fear, the economic fear. The pessimists among us predict that we are going back to the Middle Ages or at least to the time of the Israel's “Tzena” תקופת הצנע, the 1950s, during the developing stages of our new state, in which we were under the policy of food rations (coupon stamps) due to the absorption of an immigrant population equal to the number of Jews already in the country.
Well, I am neither an economist nor a prophet but as a rabbi, I have a few “spiritual” assumptions regarding this issue:
1. The Jewish faith, in contrast to other religions, claims that G-D wants to benefit people in this world, not just in the next.
"...he created it (the world) not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: “Isaiah 45:18
G-D is not interested in chaos but rather in the world's habitation. Because of this - modernity, technology, leisure time and entertainment in the right measures - are a positive thing and will not go down the drain so quickly.
In our case, it is important to remember that there are no resources that have disappeared from reality. The world has been shut down for two months - and this has huge implications - but the raw materials, the potential and talents remain the same.
Although the shock waves of entire collapsing sectors and bankrupt businesses will hit us hard, many will still remain intact and even reinvent themselves. It is all a matter of perspective and proportions.
The main implication would be a short-term decline in our living standards. But a low-fat diet is not necessarily a bad thing. We will have fewer flights abroad, less glittering family events; we will learn how to live with it.
There is a scenario in which, the days of the coronavirus may bring about more equality in our society. For example, there will be an economic protest against the hefty salaries and improved working conditions of senior civil servants. With all due respect, self-employed people should not lose their businesses while others collect three pensions.
In general, from an historical perspective as well as from a faith perspective we learn that apocalyptic prophecies tend not to come true.
In summary, I bet my money that the economic recovery will be faster than we expected.
Evil will pass
Good will prevail
With the help of G-D
Rabbi Hagai Lundin is a prolific article writer and popular speaker on Torah topics in Israel, who heads the Beit Midrash at the Ono College, teaches at the yeshiva in Sderot and is content editor at Arutz Meir web channel. He has also written books explaining the writings of Rabbi Avraham Kook zts"l.
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Dedicated to the memory of Rivka, daughter of Ovadiah, G-D rest her soul, on her 45th Yahrzeit. May her Neshama have an Aliyah.