Gantz, Netanyahu sign coalition agreement
Gantz, Netanyahu sign coalition agreementSpokesman

The Regavim movement sent a letter to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu before he signed the agreement with Blue and White, demanding that one ministers be tasked with stopping illegal Arab construction in Area C.

Regavim head Meir Deutsch noted in his letter that last year, two political-security cabinet discussions dealt with the issue of PA takeover of Area C in Judea and Samaria.

"The studies published by the Regavim movement and transmitted to you, and the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee discussions that led to data collection by the Defense Ministry, have exposed the strategic danger of the Palestinian Authority's long-standing aspirations to take control of Area C in Judea and Samaria for years to determine facts on the ground. It means a mortal wound to the State of Israel, its security, and the security of its citizens - both in the immediate and foreseeable future.''

Deutsch warns that the Palestinian Authority will not settle for the tens of thousands of illegal structures built in Area C in the past decade with its direct and indirect support, nor even the hundreds of thousands of acres seized so far via "agricultural takeover." "It intends to continue these moves through civilian organizations and foreign funding."

Regavim asks Netanyahu not to neglect handling PA construction in Area C. "Just as your great investment in the issue of the coronavirus does not diminish your involvement in other strategic issues that may appear at your door and that of the entire State of Israel, such as the Iranian threat and security and borders, the issue of Area C must be considered a strategic issue for which Israel must provide a thorough, in-depth, and effective response.

"Mr. Prime Minister, without resolutely answering the issue, the State of Israel is likely to find itself surrendering without a fight to Abbas' annexation plan and establishing a terror state in the heart of the country."

Regavim demands the issue of Area C be assigned to a minister of the national camp, "who will be appointed over a government office dedicated to this matter in a deliberate and focused manner, who will formulate a comprehensive strategy, and lead Israel's necessary response to this issue."