Efrat Mayor Oded Revivi on Saturday night said that there are 23 verified patients in Efrat, all of whom live in the Tamar neighborhood.
Four people who tested positive over Shabbat (Sabbath) have agreed to reveal their names: David Azulay, Meytav Hopper, Amichai Shenwi, and Eldad Reinman.
In his post, Revivi instructed that the third, fourth, and fifth grades from the Tamar School and the staff should now be in isolation through March 26, and those who attended the Youth Department Purim Party for 9-12th grade boys on Monday, March 9th should be in isolation.
The parents of students who attend Aseh Chayil are asked to go to the Ministry of Health website at the attached link and declare that their children are in isolation.
Anyone who used the mikvah in Dekel on Monday, March 16th, should also self-quarantine. The mikvah has been closed. Tests were conducted and the other women who used the mikvah during the week do not need to go into isolation.
Revivi added that "in accordance with the instructions from the army, and in light of the situation, tomorrow, Sunday March 22nd and until further announcement, workers will be allowed up to age 50 for the following areas: A. Local sanitation - cleaning, garbage, sewage and the like, and B. essential services - grocery stores and food services."
"Workers cannot enter for: A. Construction / renovation, or B. Household needs, gardening and cleaning."
Revivi also noted that "mental Health professionals from the Moetza have established hotlines" to assist local residents. These may be reached at: 02-9939333 and 02-9939370.