The Director General of the Ministry of Health and his team met on Monday with the team of the Central Election Committee, led by the head of the committee, Attorney Orly Ades.
During the meeting, the sides discussed the interface between public health and the Israeli elections in light of the coronavirus outbreak.
Ministry of Health officials noted that today there are a few dozen Israeli citizens who have declared that they are under quarantine in their home.
"As long as the Ministry of Health finds that citizens who are under quarantine by order of the Director General of the Ministry of Health are allowed to leave their homes for voting - the possibility of placing a number of dedicated polling stations across the country will be explored. Should these dedicated polling stations be placed - they will be placed in sites where no additional polling stations are located," said the Ministry of Health.
Today, the polling stations for the elections to the 23rd Knesset are located in most public buildings. As such, the Ministry of Health has been asked to assist in the matter.