MK Miki Zohar (Likud) on Tuesday harshly criticized the judicial system for allowing politics to influence its decisions.
In an interview with 103 FM Radio, Zohar said: "The judicial system leans very hard to the left, in a way that's very difficult to ignore. The judicial systems in Israel act against the right. We are the minority, and if we don't win the elections we'll have a problem."
"The court will protect the left-wing majority in the upcoming elections," he emphasized.
"We are absolutely the minority. We see how all the judicial systems, almost without exception, have joined together for the sake of the majority, which is the left."
Last year, a study showed that Israel's Supreme Court actively discriminates against right-wing petitions.
A new survey by the Israel Democracy Institute showed that nearly 60% of Israelis believe the Supreme Court is influenced by its political views, and just 50% believe that the courts treat everyone equally.