Samaria Regional Council Head Yossi Dagan on Wednesday demanded that the International Criminal Court at Hague investigate the "crimes against humanity" committed by the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor who decided to investigate Israel for war crimes.
Last week, Fatou Bensouda proclaimed that she is "satisfied that there is a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation into the situation in Palestine." She called for the investigation of IDF commanders and municipal leaders in Judea and Samaria, for what she claimed were "war crimes" committed by Israel in those areas.
In a letter sent to Hague vie attorneys Amichai Weinberger and Adi Sadinsky-Levy, Dagan noted the fact that Bensouda served as general prosecutor and justice minister in Gambia, after the military revolution between 1987-2000, under the rule of murderous dictator Yahya Jammeh. Jammeh's government was responsible for the murder, torture, and rape of opposition members and members of the country's government.
Because of this fact, Dagan noted, her decision to claim that specifically Israel is the one who committed war crimes represents an unprecedented level of hypocrisy and cynicism from someone who advanced, as general prosecutor and as justice minister for Dictator Jammeh, the policies of a tyrant who persecuted his political opponents, harmed human rights activists, and committed mass murder and serious human rights crimes.
"This is an unprecedented display of cynicism from the prosecutor who is trying to charge IDF commanders and local municipal leaders in Judea and Samaria with the 'crime' of living and building the heartland of the Jewish nation, in the heart of the Land of Israel and his homeland," Dagan wrote. "This, while she herself held key positions as a general prosecutor and justice minister for a murderous government in the State of Gambia, which acts to repress human rights."
"This is an unprecedented display of hypocrisy, that she herself is working to submit an indictment and begin investigations into 'crimes against humanity.'
"This is a show which echoes of ethical and legal hypocrisy and cynicism, when she herself was a general prosecutor and justice minister for a murderous government in Gambia which committed some of the most severe war crimes against humanity which were committed in recent decades."
Dagan has demanded that Bensouda be tried in the ICC and barred from handling issues related to the State of Israel. At the same time, he demands that an investigation be opened regarding her involvement in the Gambia government's activities during the mass murders.
"You are requested to investigate Mrs. Bensouda's involvement and consider trying her for fulfilling her roles in the tyrannical government in Gambia, as well as to examine whether it is appropriate to remove her from her role now."
The letter concludes: "As you believe that the Samaria Regional Council and Yossi Dagan who heads it are a municipal council and not a country, you therefore cannot prosecute - since that is identical to the complaint of the Palestinian Authority, which is an authority but which also is not a country."