Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court Judge Itai Hermelin dismissed the indictment filed by Attorney Guy Bossi (allegedly on behalf of the state) against Likud's campaign managers in the previous elections on Sunday.
The indictments were filed for prohibited publication of polls and other propaganda in the days preceding the election and on the election day itself.
The indictments were filed against John McLaughlin, Likud's chief pollster; Jonathan Orich, social media campaign manager; and Ofer Golan, head campaign manager and Radio Galei Israel.
Bossi's lawyers argued in his name that election laws authorize the filing of indictments on behalf of the state and the Central Election Committee.
The State Prosecutor's Office opposed the indictment, arguing that the proceeding could be classified as a private criminal complaint at most. The campaign managers and Radio Galei Israel argued that the indictments should be revoked because they are not authorized [by law].
The judge agreed with the State Prosecutor's office and revoked the indictments.