Defense Minister Naftali Bennett (New Right) said he is working to change Israel's policy regarding Iran with a goal of pushing Iranian forces out of Syria, according to a report on Kan 11 News.
Bennett said the IDF would increase its operations against Iran in Syria, and attack any Iranian military presence there, including bases not directly related to rocket launches.
The report added that Bennett shared his plans with senior officials in Russia and the United States, who agreed with the policy change.
Bennett believes that if Israel fails to act against Iran in Syria, the area will soon be flooded with thousands of missiles, similar to the situation in Lebanon.
"We won't be able to thwart Iran through targeted attacks," Bennett said. "It's much cheaper to prevent Iran from establishing itself than to completely protect the home front."
Last week, the IDF attacked dozens of targets in Syria belonging to the Iranian Quds Force and the Syrian army in response to four rockets launched the day before at the Golan Heights.