MK Miki Zohar (Likud) responded to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit's decision to indict Prime MInister Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday evening.
"The first emotion that comes up for me is great sadness. I'm pained that the prime minister has received such a "wonderful gift" from the state for dedicating the best years of his life for it."
"We knew it all in advance. We knew the Attorney-General wouldn't withstand the pressure exerted on him. We knew that Shai Nitzan fought with all his might to file serious indictments against the prime minister at any price."
"We won't be silent, we won't concede," Zohar concluded.
Tamar Zandberg of the Democratic camp had a different reaction to the announcement.
"Now it's final. The prime minister can't serve even one more day. He has no mandate to run the state. He must resign tonight. If he does not, no one should sit in his government or party. He is not allowed to run for election and cannot receive a mandate to form a government. He has to leave public life today."
Blue and White stated: "A prime minister who is immersed until his neck in investigations. He has no moral and public mandate to decide such fateful issues for the State of Israel due to the fact that there is a suspicion - I must say - true and not unsubstantiated - that he will make decisions based on his personal interest of his political survival, and not in the national interest."
MK Meirav Michaeli (Labor-Gesher) wrote on her Twitter account: "Satisfied or not, everyone must support the Attorney-General who is fulfilling his position faithfully. The criticism and incitement must be restrained. Trust in law enforcement systems is a prerequisite for democracy and in everyone's interest."
"A prime minister with indictments against him must leave his position. The legal system is strong and the sane majority support you."