The family of Moshe Holtzberg, who survived the Mumbai masscare, is requesting families who named children after Rabbi Gabi (Gavriel) and Rivky Holtzberg to help them with a unique project, COL LIVE reported.
Moshe will celebrate his thirteenth birthday next month, and the family is working to collect stories of children named after his parents. The stories will be printed and bound, to be given to him as a bar mitzvah gift.
Parents who have named a child after either Gabi or Rivky can send in the child's name, age, photo, and location, as well as a description of the child and the inspiration behind the name, to [email protected].
Moshe's parents were killed in 2008, on the first day of the Hebrew month of Kislev. His birthday falls the next day, on the second of Kislev, causing each birthday to be a poignant reminder of what was but no longer is.
Gabi and Rivky were killed in a Nov. 26, 2008, attack when 10 members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, an Islamic terrorist organization based in Pakistan, carried out a series of 12 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks on locations throughout the Indian city leaving 164 people dead and hundreds wounded. The Chabad House was among the specifically targeted locations. In addition to the Holtzbergs, four other Israeli and American visitors to the Chabad House were killed.