Less than a week before the expiration of Netanyahu's mandate, the Likud proposed a unity government that includes a status quo on religious and state issues without giving up the right-wing bloc. Blue and White claimed it was a Likud spin and rejected the offer outright.
MK Miki Zohar (Likud) spoke with Ben Caspit and Guy Peleg on 103FM and attacked Blue and White for their refusal.
"I think the proposal was truly serious and practical and would have enabled a unity government that can lead the state in the coming years in the face of countless challenges. At the end of the day, Benny Gantz didn't even look at the request. It's convenient for them that the mandate will pass to them. In my opinion, that is the sole consideration. I have no doubt that in those 28 days, the only way they can form this government is through the support of the Joint List and they will work to that end."
What is so attractive about Netanyahu's offer? The big problem is who will be prime minister first and at the same time, there's the issue of the right-wing bloc.
"Even if Benny Gantz will receive the 28 days he won't succeed in dismantling the bloc. They have tried countless times to form a government with part of it and discovered that there is no chance. We followed the framework of the president who called for a rotation for prime minister and an equal government between the blocs. In spite of this, Blue and White wouldn't even consider it. I'm sure they want to try to form a minority government with the support of the Joint List when Liberman abstains from voting. We all need to be prepared for such a situation from a security standpoint. I have a clear theory based on an interview with Ahmed Tibi saying that if an Israeli government attacks Gaza, they will topple the government immediately. Imagine if there is a prime minister who wants to continue serving and he'll hesitate whether to attack Gaza."
Are you serious? The current prime minister doesn't attack Gaza and is much more hesitant than his predecessor in the most national government to date. You're blaming the last chief of staff that attacked Gaza - Gabi Ashkenazi - for hesitancy due to Ahmed Tibi and want us to believe it?
"There are other arenas in which the state is dealing. They also have brothers in Lebanon and Syria."
So we're going to surrender to the Arabs?
"Operation Protective Edge was a tough battle in which many IDF soldiers were lost but we brought quiet for many, many years."
We said yes to all the ceasefire proposals during Operation Protective Edge.
"If a minority government is established here with the support of the Joint List, we will pay a heavy security price for it. It is very important for us to do everything possible to avoid unnecessary elections. In light of all of Blue and White's refusals, apparently their hatred for Netanyahu is too great and they can't tolerate the prime minister."
Why hate? They established a moral principle that they won't sit in a government with a person facing three indictments. Two of them were his chiefs of staff and one was his defense minister.
"The indictments have not yet been filed."
The decision will be in December. Let's return to the framework - if Netanyahu goes with the Atias outline [for haredi IDF recruitment], which Liberman ruled out. Liberman's framework is with Blue and White and Likud without the haredim and extremists. This is what will save the country.
"We in the Likud do not fear Jewish tradition and don't work against Jewish tradition from morning until night. We are behaving pragmatically."
No one is working against Jewish tradition.
"Lapid and Liberman work from morning to night against Jewish tradition. We're not there. We are in favor of maintaining the status quo and that each person does as he wishes according to his religion. I hope the public sees this."