MK Miki Zohar (Likud) attacked Blue and White leader Yair Lapid on Thursday on Twitter for his statements against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.
"It's hard to tolerate Lapid who disqualifies a prime minister who receives the support of over 1,100,000 people time after time," Zohar wrote. "It's unbelievable to me that he and his arrogant party (Yesh Atid), which represents a maximum of 300,000 voters, are trying to dictate to us who will be the prime minister. It's absurd."
"Incidentally, has [Lapid] ever received almost 60,000 likes and 11,000 responses on a post?" Zohar asked, including a screenshot of a Facebook post on Netanyahu's account to assert his point.
"For anyone who's wondering, this is the magnitude of support and love the prime minister receives from the public, contrary to what the media represents."
When the other side succeeds in internalizing this, everything will be much simpler. Or maybe they would prefer to try to get rid of the great strength we have on the right," Zohar concluded.
Zohar wrote the post following Lapid's announcement that he won't sit in the same government as Netanyahu under any circumstances. "Netanyahu didn't win the elections," Lapid wrote. "He lost. Benny Gantz is a better man than him and will be a better prime minister."
"More people voted for Blue and White than Likud. They did this because they believe that the time has come for a dialogue of values, for a change in direction. They also received a promise from us that we won't sit in a government with Netanyahu as long as he has indictments against him."