Justice Minister Amir Ohana (Likud) on Sunday night for the first time criticized Israel's judicial system and the Prosecutor's Office.
"It would be correct to re-examine the balance between the authorities, and that the court would rule that it should show more restraint in the issues it deals with," Ohana told participants at Jerusalem legal event.
According to Ohana, right now "the warnings of the great legalists of the past are coming true: The more the court takes controversial issues which belong in parliament into its hands and deals with political issues, the less trust there is in the judicial system."
"I still want decisions to be made in the Knesset and not by a body which was not voted in, which I believe harms itself when it enters the political realm. Because by doing that it loses the trust we want it to have."
According to Kan News, Ohana also discussed the Prosecutor's Office, saying it "works professionally and with honesty, but if we do not assume that in the Prosecutor's Office and the courts there is nothing which needs fixing, we would be amiss. The only way to correct and improve is through criticism."