Rabbi Peretz and Smotrich
Rabbi Peretz and SmotrichFlash90

The United Right submitted a document Thursday listing its demands to join the new coalition, including the demand that women's roles in combat units be reexamined, and that a completely separate track be developed for religious Zionist men serving in the IDF, which would ensure strict gender separation be maintained for religious soldiers.

The publication of the United Right's demands on these issues had been postponed according due to the lack of progress in the Likud's talks with Yisrael Beytenu Chairman Avigdor Liberman.

Among other things, the United Right is demanding the establishment of a "sub-committee for the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee to examine the effects and implications of female soldiers in the IDF's combat force. The chairman of the committee will be a Knesset member to be agreed by the Jewish Home and the National Union."

An additional requirement is to create separate religious Zionist army units for non-haredi religious soldiers, similar to the model of the Nahal Haredi (Netzach Yehuda) units for haredi soldiers. The separate religious units would ensure that national-religious soldiers will serve in bases with no women, and that the soldiers will not be required to serve alongside female soldiers from other units.

Another demand put forth by the United Right, at MK Betzalel Smotrich's behest, is aimed at reducing the rate of divorce in Israel and strengthening the traditional family unit.