Children in southern Israel
Children in southern IsraelMeir Panim

We were all watching with horror as the violent attacks from Gaza forced Israel into a shocking state of emergency over the last two days. Over 700 rockets were fired at Israeli territory, schools were closed throughout southern Israel, and Jewish families were huddled in bomb shelters.

Building damaged by rocket in southern Israel
Building damaged by rocket in southern Israelצילום: Meir Panim

In the town of Sderot, which borders Gaza in the south of Israel, residents are threatened by rockets nonstop. In fact, 40% of Sderot residents suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

The residents of Sderot count on Meir Panim’s humanitarian work for assistance.

Children head to bomb shelter
Children head to bomb shelterצילום: Meir Panim

Meir Panim’s staff and volunteers work around the clock at their 3 Sderot After-School Youth Clubs - all of which are housed in converted bomb shelters.

Donate here to help the children of Sderot today.

Teens in bomb shelter in southern Israel
Teens in bomb shelter in southern Israelצילום: Meir Panim

Children are the most vulnerable segment of any society. With this week’s barrage of Hamas and Islamic Jihad’s deadly rocket attacks, Sderot’s youth need you now more than ever.

Meir Panim’s Youth Clubs are a crucial support system for Sderot’s traumatized teens.

Now is the time to show your support for Sderot’s youth. Click here to donate.

Please pray for safety and security throughout Israel, and please take action on behalf of the besieged residents of Sderot.