A significant portion of the information about Iran's preparations for a terror attack against a US target or its Gulf allies was achieved by Israeli intelligence, especially the Mossad, senior Israeli officials told News 13.
The senior Israeli officials noted the information obtained by the Mossad and other Israeli intelligence agencies was transferred to the Americans and was part of the basis for the American decision to reinforce their forces, sending another aircraft carrier to the Gulf.
The senior officials said the issue of warning about a possible Iranian attack came up two weeks ago in talks with the Americans, including during recent talks held with a delegation led by National Security Advisor Meir Ben-Shabat in the White House with an American delegation led by US National Security Advisor John Bolton.
The senior officials noted that at this stage it is not a focused warning, but it is clear that the target of the expected Iranian attack is not Israeli, but an American target or one belonging to one of the US's Gulf allies.
A senior Israeli official further told News 13, "It's unclear to us yet what the Iranians will try to do and exactly who will do it, but it is clear to us that the temperature by the Iranians is rising due to the heavy American pressure on them."