The body of a young man who went swimming in the Kinneret lake and apparently drowned was found at the end of extensive searches conducted this morning.
The young man was extracted from the water without vital signs, and the MDA teams summoned to the scene were forced to determine his death.
MDA Paramedic Yoad Peretz said, "On the banks of the Sea of Galilee we joined the naval police boat that drew the young man from the water. He was without vital signs and we couldn only determine his death."
The soldiers were summoned this morning after the young man, a resident of the Jerusalem area, entered with three friends to swim in the Kinneret on an undeclared beach near Shikmim beach, but his tracks were lost.
From the control room of the Sea of Galilee Authority, it was reported that all beaches of the Kinneret Association are now open.
The Kinneret Authority stresses that swimmers bathe only on authorized beaches with rescue services, and to listen to instructions of lifeguards and inspectors to protect the safety of vacationers and swimmers.