On Friday, residents of the village of Nokdim planted a grove of trees in memory of Ori Ansbacher on the outskirts of the community, opposite Tekoa, where Ori lived.
During the planting, clashes broke out between Palestinian Arabs who invaded the area and the residents. The army kept the invaders away and the planting continued.
According to TPS, residents on Sunday discovered that Arabs had entered the plot that had been planted, uprooted about 50 trees from the planting pits and stole most of them.
Shlomo Ne'eman, head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council, said, "Only a week ago we witnessed agricultural terror in Kfar Etzion and we are once again witness to terror on Jewish agriculture by our neighbors. This phenomenon must not continue to lead to a large wave of destruction in Israeli agriculture."
"The State of Israel must define agricultural terror as terrorism in every way and bring about a solution to these phenomena, which occur throughout the State of Israel, both in the north, in the south and in Judea and Samaria," he said. “A hard hand must be used and these incidents must be treated like terror in every way. It cannot come to the point of reaching human lives. This is the order of the day and we have to turn on the light for decision-makers."