How many terror attacks occurred in Israel this past week?

The Boomerang Weekly Terror Report detailed the daily terrorism Israeli citizens are forced to deal with on a daily basis. In a seven day period from January 7-17, Boomerang recorded 34 total attacks, including the fatal car accident that may have been caused by stone-throwing that killed Hadas Tapuhi this past week near Bet El.

Overall, there were 28 cases of stone-throwing, 5 fire bombings, and one stabbing attempt. Boomerang says that the figures presented in the weekly videos do not include reports of violence directed against the security forces, but only against civilians.

The figures are also on the low end due to the fact that the IDF and the Israel Police rarely report every case of violence against Israeli citizens.

"The data are collected from reports coming from the various security centers of the regional councils, which are collected and verified by various organizations, which is headed by 'Rescue Without Borders'" said Boomerang head Azri Tubi

Boomerang has called on the public to provide testimonies and photographs of terror attacks, both past and present, via Whatsapp at 054-7243203 or email [email protected]