The Mayanei Hayeshua Hospital reported on Monday morning that a three-week-old child has been diagnosed with measles, and is now listed as being in stable condition. The baby is a resident of Immanuel, a predominantly haredi town in Samaria.
The baby is the youngest known patient recorded in Israel to be suffering from measles. The newborn contracted measles from his mother when he was just a week old.
The mother, who has not been vaccinated, apparently got infected by a family member.
"Measles at such a tender age is rare," said Professor Eli Somekh, director of the Children's Division at the hospital.
"The baby was treated with Vitamin A to reduce the risk of complications and intravenous antibiotics due to evidence of bacterial infection, with an improvement in his condition, which is now stable," the professor said.
Somekh also emphasized the importance of getting vaccinated to measles before pregnancy and to get vaccinated for tetanus in the third trimester.