The Justice Ministry says "there is no reason to harm the status of the leftist organizations B'tselem, Amnesty, and Social TV as operating bodies of the National Service," meaning that these organizations may continue utilizing National Service volunteers.
In response to a request by B'Tzalmo Director Shai Glick, Justice Ministry Consultation and Legislation head Dror Granit said only after the end of the statutorily imposed transitional provisions early in September 2019 will the status of NGOs be reconsidered within the National Service system.
Granit says the non-profit organizations' extremist positions against the IDF and other state bodies do not constitute grounds for revoking their status in the National Service.
"The criticism, even severe, by these organizations on State bodies, including government policy, IDF activity, or even activities of the Justice Ministry, Attorney General, State Attorney's Office, or the courts - does not in itself constitute grounds for revoking their status as operating entities, certainly not enough to overcome the statutory protection of existing operator status.
"On the other hand, if these associations wish to continue holding operating body status after September 1, 2009, they will have to be like all the other bodies wishing to continue serving as operating bodies under the new legal regime established by the law."
The National Civil Service Authority said in response: "There is nothing new. The Civil Service Law passed recently by the Knesset, led by Minister Uri Ariel, set rules for approving operators. According to the new law, all operating entities will have to request re-approval to activate National Service status as of 01/09/19.
"In addition, it was determined that all operating bodies that utilized volunteers prior to application of the law will be able to continue operating volunteers until the new rules come into force on the above date. As for approving an operating entity for B'Tselem, the organization was invited to a hearing with Authority Director-General Shar-Shalom Jerbi. When the organization chose not to attend the hearing, the Authority Director announced on April 29, 2018 the suspension of approval as operating body for the organization," the Authority said.