The Knesset plenum approved in preliminary reading a bill proposed by Knesset Member Dov Khenin (Joint Arab List) that states that any place Israeli law refers to discrimination, it will also mean discrimination "on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity".
The bill was approved despite the coalition's opposition to it, after MKs Merav Ben-Ari (Kulanu) and Amir Ohana (Likud) voted with the opposition. The two are expected to be disciplined by coalition chairman David Amsalem.
The bill will be submitted for further legislation in the House Committee, but due to the coalition's opposition it will not advance the legislation.
"At the moment, the Knesset plenum passed a bill that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, despite the coalition's attempt to cancel the vote," Khenin said. "Different people are equal. It's forbidden to discriminate on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. These are things that need to be taken for granted in a society that respects people."