ZAKA volunteers from the Guatemalan team are currently operating in the area and providing assistance to residents affected by the volcano eruption and subsequent earthquake.

Following the volcano eruption in the country, ZAKA humanitarian medical teams have been working in the last few hours to provide medical and rescue assistance to local teams.

Fuego Volcano, Guatemala
Fuego Volcano, GuatemalaiStock

ZAKA team commander Rabbi Yosef Garmon, who is Chief Rabbi of Guatemala, said: "The ZAKA local team of about 50 volunteers went out this morning with the rescue force to help the hundreds of residents who were injured by the eruption on the volcano. At this stage, the combined team is working very carefully because the place is still dangerous and there are warnings of another eruption."

ZAKA international unit Commander Matti Goldstein said, "We're in constant contact with the local team and with the rescue personnel. If necessary, we'll send additional teams to help the local team."

Soldier takes rescued child to hospital
Soldier takes rescued child to hospitalReuters

Rescue worker carries child covered with ash after Fuego volcano erupted
Rescue worker carries child covered with ash after Fuego volcano eruptedצילום:

Area affected by eruption, San Miguel Los Lotes in Escuintla, Guatemala
Area affected by eruption, San Miguel Los Lotes in Escuintla, GuatemalaReuters

Policeman stumbles in ash from Fuego volcano eruption, Guatemala
Policeman stumbles in ash from Fuego volcano eruption, GuatemalaReuters
