The #120db campaign in Germany dedicated to exposing the growth of sexual assault and other sex crimes in Europe by migrants and refugees is expanding. Activists have disrupted social events and campaign spokeswomen have announced upcoming "actions" and new leaflets, stickers, and an updated, informative website.
"We remember every raped, abused, murdered, and forgotten girl. We will put them in your mind. We were silent for too long; now starts our resistance," said a new video released by the #120db campaign.
"Mothers, women, sisters, daughters of Europe: This state will not protect you. Nobody knows who will be next. You need to stand up for yourselves!"
"It can't go on like this. Pepper spray and pocket alarms are already the basic equipment of European women. Going jogging has become the most dangerous sport for us.
"We are not putting up with this. We are organizing. We defend ourselves. We strike back!
"120 decibels is the volume of an average pocket alarm carried by many European women. 120 decibels is the name of our resistance movement - of women, for women. #120db is the true #metoo against the true menace to girls in Europe.
"We will go to those places where girls got killed by your policies. We will corner you, we will call you to account, and we will be loud."
British videoblogger and anti-immigration activist Tommy Robinson covered a 120db event in Berlin, where activists entered the stage in the middle of a #metoo event in the Berlinale. After listening to a few speeches they entered the stage challenging participants of the open forum to also talk about sexual violence coming from migrants.
A 120db spokeswoman said "Unfortunately they declined any discussion, and personal approaches to the participating high society ladies failed, too. So the activists were expelled from the event and departed, leaving behind a stage full of activated high-pitched pocket alarms."
Afterwards Robinson speaks to 120db activist Aline, from Dresden: "You see all this glamor, and they're not talking about any of these issues."
Aline answers, "I think it's mind-boggling, because they were talking so much about solidarity, and I was wondering: Where is your solidarity with the victims of real sexual assault? The victims of rape, and of murder; where is your solidarity? Where are the tents and events for these women, and for those who are afraid that this might happen to them, too?"
Robinson shows Aline a video of a German woman he questioned outside the event. He asks the woman: "About what's currently happening in Europe, whether it's Sweden or Germany - why are there no events like this to talk about the violence from migrant men?"
The woman answers, "Because I think Germany is a really difficult spot to talk about that. Because of Nazis, because we have our background."
Robinson asks, "Do you think the reason why it's so difficult is because people like you would call them Nazis?"
The woman answers, "Yes."
"So you've made it difficult to talk about?"
"Of course, of course."
After Robinson shows the clip to Aline, she responds: "That's just exactly the point. We are not allowed to talk about it because of the history. And she even admits that we're not allowed to talk about it. This means that as soon as a woman gets raped or murdered, she cannot stand up for herself and say, 'This happened to me, it was caused by a migrant, and I cannot talk about it'. This is a way of shutting our mouths against our will. It's a very effective way of silencing us, and it's funny that she even admits it."