March 16th marks the anniversary of the infamous 1988 Halabja Massacre, that killed as many as 5,000 and injured up to 10,000 Kurds when Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons on the village.
The Israel Kurdistan Friendship Association posted a reminder of the massacre on their Facebook page.
Wax museum commemorating Halabja massacreצילום: Reuters
Cemetery for Halabja victimsReuters
Iraqi Kurd takes selfie with son at Halabja Museum showing scenes of 1988 chemical weapons massacreצילום: Reuters
Lukman Abdel Qadir Mohammed, head of the Halabja Chemical Attack Victims Societyצילום: Reuters
Halabja MuseumReuters
Iraqi boys visit Halabja museum in northern Iraq.צילום: Reuters
Kurdish policeman wipes tear during Halabja memorial ceremonyצילום: Reuters