Rabbi Yehuda Ben Yishai, the father of Ruti Fogel, explained in an interview with Reshet Bet the family's suit against the terrorists who committed the massacre in Itamar in which several members of the Fogel family were murdered.
"Our message is that terrorists cannot carry out attacks and crimes of this magnitude and spend the rest of their lives with full services and financial support," he explained.
In an interview with Kalman-Lieberman, the rabbi spoke about raising his grandchildren. "They are special souls who overcame what seems impossible. We see in them qualities and dimensions that they managed to absorb from their parents."
The Fogel family, whose parents and siblings were murdered seven years ago in a shocking massacre in the Samaria community of Itamar, sued the Palestinian Authority and the PLO in the Jerusalem District Court for encouraging the perpetrators of the murder, financing them during their prison terms and paying them salaries.
The family members are suing the PA for 400 million shekels (115 million dollars).
"Even to this day, the terrorists are receiving inflated salaries from the Palestinian Authority, which is contrary to all logic and justice. In filing this suit, we seek to send a message in the name of anyone with a human heart,” the Fogel family said, according to Yediot Aharonot.
The two terrorists who carried out the murders of the Fogels and their three children, who were captured a month after the murder, were sentenced to 130 years' imprisonment each. Behind the lawsuit against the PA are the three family members, Tamar and her two younger brothers, the grandparents on both sides and the siblings of the parents.