Lahav 433 offices
Lahav 433 officesYossi Zeliger/Flash 90

Attorney David Shimron, who served as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's personal attorney, and a former senior official who is also close to the prime minister, were detained this morning for questioning.

The two were detained by investigators of the police's Lahav 433 unit in the context of investigations of Case 3000 (also known as the "submarine affair").

Attorney Shimron has been questioned in the past on suspicion of involvement in the affair, after he represented one of the main suspects in the affair, who became a state witness, Miki Ganor.

According to suspicions, Shimron was supposed to receive a commission of about $9 million in exchange for advancing the deal.

So far, it is not known what the other detained official is suspected of and what his alleged part in the affair is.

Police stressed that the Prime Minister is not suspected of any connection to the affair.