Education Ministry Director General Shmuel Abuhav said the teachers' salaries were paid Monday morning.
On Sunday, thousands of teachers threatened to strike after not receiving their September salaries.
According to Abuhav, the salaries were paid on Friday, but did not go through due to Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement).
Speaking to Channel 2, Abuhav said he began working to find a solution as soon as he became aware of the delay. The beginning of each school year, he said, often involves a lot of updates. Teachers change schools or retire, new teachers begin working, and other changes occur as well. Each of these changes needs to be entered into the system, and these updates can take time, and therefore the salaries were only paid on Friday.
Abuhav emphasized that as of Monday, all of the salaries had been paid.
Israel's Teachers Union praised Abuhav for the long hours he worked in order to ensure the salaries would be paid and that such an issue would not occur in the future.