Tommy Robinson, a prominent British nationalist activist, wants to know why the United Nations focuses solely on the Palestinians despite their history of terrorism while ignoring other oppressed minorities in the world, such as Balochistan, which has been occupied by Pakistan since 1947.
Wearing a 'Free Balochistan' T-shirt, the English Defense League founder describes the history of the beleaguered Balochistan, detailing the oppression he says the Baloch people have suffered from under Pakistan and noting the five major conflicts that were fought between Balochistan and Pakistan. According to Robinson, Pakistan benefits tremendously from Balochistan's natural resources while denying the proceeds to the native people.
"The West is silent about this, total silence," charged Robinson. "The media is not interested in real struggles. Where have they been on this issue? Why don't they talk about this when they constantly cover Jewish people defending themselves against Palestinian terrorists?"
Balochistan was annexed to Pakistan after it split off from India in 1947 and makes up 44% of its territory, but according to Robinson, "it's not a surprise that the Left wastes its time defending barbaric actions against the only democracy in the Middle East".
Robinsons has been a prominent activist on what he calls "the Muslims waging war on England". He was one of the principal founders of the English Defense League in 2009, which quickly became known for its large street demonstrations against radical Islam.