School bus
School busiStock

Police are investigating a man who worked as a school bus monitor in Beit Shemesh, who is suspected of punishing a 6 year-old boy who refused to wear a seat belt by ejecting him from the bus before reaching the boy's destination.

A passerby noticed the frightened child and called his parents who came to collect him.

In a video posted on social networks, the driver is seen closing the car door after leaving the boy on a narrow sidewalk at the edge of a busy road.At first he tried to drive him home but the boy refused to enter the vehicle.Then his parents were called.

The driver of the transportation company and the escort were located and summoned for questioning at the Beit Shemesh police station.After the interrogation, the two were released under restrictive conditions.

The Beit Shemesh municipality said in response that the monitor had been fired and that procedures would be tightened to vet applicants for positions in child transportation."This is a private transport of a private educational institution, with no connection to or with the municipality, and the municipality is conducting a clarification with the institution's management and as part of the lessons learned, the escort was fired and clear procedures will be established for employment of transport attendants," the response said.