150 new immigrants from France landed in Israel on Tuesday night as part of a special campaign by the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ). Many of the families traveled straight from the airport to their new homes in Samaria towns.
In Ben Gurion Airport's arrival hall, Arutz Sheva met Devorah, who immigrated to Israel last year and settled with her family in Brukhin. Devorah arrived at the airport to welcome her father and brothers, who will live in the town of Yakir.
When we asked Devorah's brother David Shurki, if he made aliya (immigrated to Israel) because of anti-Semitism, he said, "It's hard. I'm from Marseilles, and there are a lot of Arabs, but we didn't move to Israel because of the situation in France - we came because of my love for Israel."
Upon their arrival in Yakir, the new Israelis were warmly welcomed by their new neighbors, with songs, dancing, and Israeli flags.
The town's Rabbi Aharon Cohen was among those who welcomed the new arrivals. Rabbi Cohen's family moved to Israel when he was a child. For the past four years, he has worked with the council to advance immigration from France to Samaria.
Samaria Regional Council Head with David Shurki/ Credit: Council spokesperson
Samaria Regional Council Head Yossi Dagan met the immigrants before they moved to Israel, and now arrived to congratulate them on their arrival.
"You have done the most Zionist thing," Dagan said. "You left your families, homes, and language to move to Israel. And not just to Israel - to settle Samaria.
Most of the new immigrants were moved by the welcome, and many could not stop their tears.
Another 70 are expected to arrive in Israel and move to Yakir by the end of the summer. In previous years, the immigrants settled in Brukhim, Peduel, and Yakir.